Our theme is using Unyson framework which comes with its own extensions and therefore requires special backup process.

One of extensions is Backup and Demo Content. This allows not just to backup and restore your site on actual site, but also to migrate site from one domain to another. Please follow these simple rules:

1. [new site] install the same version of WordPress on new domain as one you have on the old one

2. [new site] if you used any plugins beside those recommended by theme, please install them, too.

3. [old site] open wp-config.php on your old site and set WP_DEBUG to be true:


define('WP_DEBUG', true);


4. [old site] Before creating a Content Backup for Demo Install use a plugin to remove post revisions. WP Optimize is very good choice.

5. [old site] go to Tools > Backup

6. [old site] Hit Create Content Backup Now and wait several minutes (it depends on number of media files and number of posts)

7. [old site] Download the latest backup (it will be listed under “Archives” header)

8. [new site] Create folder {theme}/demo-content/{demo-name}/ (where {theme} is theme folder and {demo-name} is desirable name of your demo content) and extract the zip in it.

9. [new site] Create {theme}/demo-content/{demo-name}/manifest.php with the following contents:



if (!defined('FW')) die('Forbidden');
 * @var string $uri Demo directory url

$manifest = array();
$manifest['title'] = __('Awesome Demo', 'fw');
$manifest['screenshot'] = $uri . '/screenshot.png';
$manifest['preview_link'] = 'https://your-site.com/demo/awesome';



Screenshot file must be located in the same folder as manifest.php, while preview link is optional. Demo title can be changed to fit your needs.

10. [new site] Go to Tools > Demo Content Install menu in the WordPress admin. The demo(s) should be listed on that page.

More information regarding this extension can be found on this URL: http://manual.unyson.io/en/latest/extension/backups/index.html